Friday, June 22, 2012

Giant Killing

                                                            Giant Killing Review

Alright, full disclosure time. Last time, when I said I wanted to get a bit more digital, I originally wanted to review the fifth Digimon season, Digimon Savers. I did watch about half of it, but then something happened. Something that happens just about every year to me, finals. When ever those accursed tests roll around, I usually have to temporarily shelve whatever show I am currently watching. And after I finish those finals, I usually just can’t get back into whatever show I shelved. I try, but I just don’t want to watch it anymore, which is very unfortunate. Savers was a good show, it’s over all plot was interesting, and I liked how the main character would punch Digimon, who are a couple stories high, right in the face without even thinking about it. But for now, the show is dropped. And instead, I decided to watch a soccer anime. A soccer anime that completely changed the way I look at sports anime, a show that had me cheering in my seat, a show that was just… well I might be a getting a bit ahead of myself. This is Giant Killing.