Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall 2012 Anime Season: First Impresions

Fall 2012 Anime Season

Once again it is time to look at all the brand new releases that Japan has to offer. This season we are getting a lot of interesting shows, and some that might even become classics in the future. So let’s get right to it, these are my first impressions of the fall 2012 anime season.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Final Thoughts: Summer 2012

Final Thoughts: Summer 2012

Summer has come and gone and I am back in school. This must mean the summer anime season has ended, and it is time to look back at all I’ve watched. First of course are the shows that are still going on. Hunter X Hunter is doing an excellent job of interpreting and using the material from the manga, and we are getting some great fights from it. I really can’t wait to see the Greed Island arc, it will be awesome. Poyopoyo is still going strong, and you have to love that round cat. Polar Bear’s CafĂ© is also still going on, but it is starting to outstay it’s welcome. I fully expected this show to just end this season, but no, it will continue on. I will probably still keep up with it, but I have no clue for how long. Sword Art Online is entering its second half, and the first half was really enjoyable. I loved the MMO humor, and the world they created is very well done. I look forward to the second half. Toriko is still as enjoyable as ever. As a simple shonen action show, it does it’s job perfectly and I will keep up with it for a while. Space Brothers is also continuing. We are starting to get to some of the major NASA and JAXA parts, and I will continue to look forward to this show every week. And that’s what is continuing to air. Lets move on to the main dish proper. These are my final thoughts on the shows that ended this season.