Fall 2014 Anime
Season: First Impressions
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For a better look at the Fall anime chart, click this! |
Coming in like a speeding bullet, here is the 2014 fall
anime season! This season looks amazing, so let’s not waste any time. Here are
my first impressions of the 2014 fall anime season.
Tribe Cool Crew- This is an anime directed towards kids,
which is admittingly something I don’t usually watch in anime, or at least go
into blind like this. I am usually recommended shows like this, and they have
been around for a while. This time, I have no such luck. It looked bright and
shiny and I wanted to watch it. The show is about dancing, specifically more
hip hop and street and break dancing. Our protagonist is a kid with mad ups,
meaning he jumps great, and loves dancing. His hero, a world renowned singer
and dancer, speaks to the kid’s heart, and inspires him. One day, he finds
online a video of a girl dancing in a similar style to his that also really
speaks to his heart. It turns out that the girl actually watches him dance, and
one day they meet and secretly/accidently end up dancing together. The boy
wants to form a dance group with her, but the girl is afraid to, for reasons we
don’t really know yet. The key word for this show is fun. The show just has a
really fun energy to it. Just watching the main character jump around and
watching everyone dance is just really fun. The animation is really fun too.
The art for the character designs are very stylistic, kind of almost cartoony,
and I am really liking it. Also the use of CG animation for the dancing scenes
I feel work well, though the transitions are sometimes a bit jarring. I think
this is a fun, simple show about kids dancing and having fun and I like it. It
isn’t deep or looks to be super intelligent, but sometimes all you want is fun
dancing. Watch this show if you like fun.
Denkigai no Honyo-san- This is a comedy about a group a
people working at a manga book store in Japan. The shop, and subsequently the
show, are filled with otaku of every verity, from the doujinshi author who is
always dead beat from working too late into the night, to the average otaku
with his waifu and dedication and love of manga, to the zombie obsessed girl.
The show is a mix of a realistic look at working in a store like this, with
late nights shrink wrapping books and having to deal with government workers
who have to regulate what porn is sold and how they are sold, with
ridiculousness, like one character called the Sommelier who can tell exactly
what type of porn you want just by looking at you, and then will give you the
porn you didn’t even know you want. (To be fair, he doesn’t necessarily only
give out porn, but he mostly gives out porn.) While the show is a mix of
glorification and making fun of otaku and otaku culture in Japan, I like this
show. It is sometimes stupid and silly and sometimes a bit too fanservice-y,
they have a special character that all the sexy stuff happens to, and it
definitely hinges on anime clichés and tropes, and reveling in them because the
whole show is about anime. But I still like it. The show is actually pretty
funny. There is a wonderful bit where the quite, young looking girl, first
reveals that she loves zombies and zombies apocalypses to the point where she
makes up another characters face in zombie make up so she can beat him with a
metal bat, and later when she gets into a competition she just starts cursing
everyone out in the adorable moe voice. Any show that has the super
stereotypical moe girl calling everyone a bitch and telling them to grow some
balls has my vote of approval. This is a dumb show, but I really like it. Watch
it if you like shows about nerds doing nerd things and shows that make fun of
anime and otaku culture in general.
Garo: Hoono no Kokuin- As you know, I am doing a weekly
review series of this show, so anything I say here will most likely already
have been said there, though hopefully in a more detailed form. So without
rehashing what I have already written, just on the first episode, I like this
show. It is action packed, the story seems interesting, and the show feels like
a Garo series, which I feel is important for an animated series like this. If
you have watched the Garo series, then I fully recommend this show so far, and
if you haven’t seen anything form the Garo franchise at all I still recommend
it. I think this is a good starting point for someone who has never seen Garo
before. I recommend it, and I hope you enjoy my weekly posts on the show.
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Step Up 2: The Animation |
Log Horizon Second Season- I’ve been really excited for this
show. The first season of Log Horizon was a solid show, not exactly the
greatest thing ever to be subtitled on the internet, but fun and surprisingly
logically put together. And of course it was miles about other shows of the
same nature just by having likeable characters. The first episode of the second
season though gives me a little bit of pause. The episode was told by showing
what I presume to be the ending or middle sections of some of the major stories
of this season, which admittingly threw me for a loop until most of the way
through the episode. But it made sense after a while. It seems like this season
will be creating a larger story then the previous one. The first season’s focus
on the people trapped in this world that was once a video game they played and
how they both adapted and starting actually living in this world was an
interesting story. I think my hope was that the second season would be more of
this, at least at first. We would get to see how the adventurers are thriving
and inventing more and more, and then after a while something new would happen,
maybe less than half way through the season. But with the sort of preview of
the big plots this season it kind of undercuts the whole actual reveal of this
change to the series. But this, to be fair, is a minor quibble. Overall the
first episode was good as an episode from the series, an average episode at the
end of things. One thing that seems very interesting is that we have a time
frame of which the series will take place. It is beginning around a few days
after Halloween, and it looks like it is ending sometime around Christmas Eve,
based on a scene at the end of the first episode. I hope the second season of
Log Horizon can keep up the same quality that the first season did. I hope they
stray away from the non-temporally linearly storytelling that the first episode
partook of. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am worried about the
show, but not enough to stop watching. I still like Log Horizon, and if you
have watched the first season then I would say watch the second. Just don’t
hold your breath if it doesn’t go how you want it to.
Cross Ange: Tenshi no Ryuu no Rondo- I kind of struggled for
a while with this show. Let’s start at the beginning. It’s the future and
mankind has magic and that magic has led to world peace. There are only two
real problems in the world. One is interdimensional dragons that come in and
attack, but the world has that covered with giant robots. The other problem is
that some people, only women, are born without magic, and actually have the
accidental ability to disrupt magic with a touch. These people are considered
violent, lesser humans and are separated from the public, for the ‘good of
society’. Those who are separated are put on a prison island and are forced to
fight the dragons. The show follows a princess, of the whole world I assume,
and is going to eventually be the queen. Everyone loves her, and she is a good
princess. And more importantly, she is kind of human. They have this little
moment I really appreciated where she hated losing this future rich person
sport, and she wanted to win, something that is a natural feeling when you lose
a big game. But she couldn’t show the world that, or people would think that
she was petty or greedy. It gave her just a twinge of humanity. Unfortunately
right after that we get to see how indoctrinated she is to the racism of the
world, that non magic users are lesser beings who need to be eradicated for the
good of the whole. Plot twist! She herself has no magic, though she didn’t know
it. It was hidden from her by her family and she had maids do all the magic she
needed her whole life. So on the day of her birthday her mother is killed and
she is brought to the prison island. Now up to this point I was mostly for this
series. The show opened with this surprisingly cool scene of a bunch of people
fighting dragons in mecha suits and a girl who was probably our lead heroin,
sometime after the events of the first episode, was badass and cool, singing a
somber song as she straight up killed a dragon. And then then the final scene
of the episode happened. I am not going to dance around it, she was raped. Now,
rape is always an awful thing, and when used in literature or fiction, it is
almost never used properly. But as a way of fully destroying and bringing down
this character, taking literally everything away from her so she starts at the
bottom, basically if it was handled properly, I would not have minded as much.
I still would have thought it was a colossal misstep of the show, but I
probably could have looked past it, if the rape was actually shown as a
horrible thing. But it really wasn’t. The scene was meant to titillate the
audience, it was fan service at its core. And that was just terrible. I was
really looking forward to this show, I was hoping for an action packed, badass
girls show that was all about a princess kicking ass and saving the day and it
would have been awesome. But once you use rape to titillate your audience, I
can’t watch a show with that anymore. This show had potential, and it was
squandered. I am dropping this show.
World Trigger- There are monsters that come from another
world. No weapon known to man could stop them, until one day a young man with a
strange blade killed one, and then an organization started up to kill these
monsters who only appear in one spot in japan. I think. Sometime later, at a
random high school, we follow two kids. One has a bit of a hero complex, always
willing to do what is right and go against the bullies, even if it means
getting his ass kicks, but isn’t outgoing, usually being silent and cold. The
other is the white haired new kid in school who doesn’t understand how to deal
with human things, how to humanely deal with antagonism without breaking the
dudes arm, but seems willing to learn. The cold kid is already part of the
organization, who use weapons called triggers to fight, and the new kid is not
part of this organization, but already has one of these weapons. This is an
entirely generic show that I cannot care about. Everything about this show is
boring and cliché and dumb and I couldn’t be bothered to care about it. If you
like entirely generic shows, watch this. If you like anything else, just let
this one pass.
Nanatsu no Taizai- In this western style fantasy anime, one
day 7 incredibly strong people attacked the kingdom, and killed many of the valiant
knights that protect the kingdom. Years later, the kingdom is in peril. It
seems the 7 warriors were not villains, but instead were heroes framed by the
knights of the kingdom, now those knights are making their move to seize control.
The princess of the land, in order to protect her kingdom and her father the
King, goes out and tries to find those 7 warriors, called the Seven Deadly
Sins. And the first one she finds is a young looking bar owner with a near bladeless
sword and a talking pig. So the show seems to be a comedic, action/adventure
story with an ensemble cast made up of the 7 warriors plus the princess. Going
from the first episode alone, this show seems like a fun ride. The action
seemed tight and I am always in for a fun adventure series. I am not sure if
this show can keep up the quality though. A show like this can have a great
first episode, and then every episode afterwards is just boring. For now, it is not on my drop list, but if the
show cannot keep up its quality, then it will probably be put on pause.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san- A young girl lives alone in a big empty
house. She lives alone, she only eats instant ramen and junk food, has no
friends, and has retreated within herself so much so that she believes herself
to be a doll, who has no need for emotions and friends. One day, while playing
a game like an Ouija board but with a coin on a piece of paper, she summons a
fox spirit, the titular Kokkuri-san. And seeing this girl in this pitiful
state, he takes it upon himself to haunt her, and become her guardian. In response
she gouges his eyes out. This is a really great comedy. One of the things that
works for the show is how the main comedy duo consistently switches who is the
straight man and who is the funny man. Every joke seems to switch it up, with
really keeps the jokes fresh. The show also isn’t afraid to go the more dramatic
route. The show isn’t afraid to show us just how sad the lives of the little
girl and the fox spirit really is, and how much they really need each other.
This is a really funny show, that sometimes gets really dark, which sometimes just
makes the jokes even funnier. I plan on keeping up with this show, though that decision
might be influenced by the disco influenced opening theme. Those guys can
really boogie down.
Shingeki no Bahamut GENESIS- Another western style fantasy
anime, Rage of Bahamut is based on a Japanese mobile card game, and of course
is nothing like a card game would be. The series follows a bounty hunter just
trying to make a living. Our hero is a lying, cheating, asshole of a guy, which
means he is incredibly awesome. He goes after criminals who use magic somehow,
like summoning monsters, or demons themselves. When he defeats them they turn
into cards (see the connection) and turns those cards over to a god of sorts,
who acts as the liaison to the bounty hunters. One day, while drinking and
pitching woo to a couple of bar maidens, he claims he knows a secret route to
Helheim, a barren, frozen wasteland to the north that few adventurers ever return
from. A woman overhears this and believes him, possibly because she is not
human and doesn’t fully understand how human lies work yet. She forms a
contract with him, giving him a demons tail, and primes to remove the tail when
he takes her to Helheim, which of course he doesn’t actually known how. Now
both of them are being chased by the government, the army, and other bounty
hunters, all while our main character tries to bullshit his way all the way to
the frozen north, or die trying. Also the girl can turn into a crazy one winged
angle/demon of death. She is pretty cool. This show is one of the best ones
this season has to offer. It is really fun, the action is amazing, and the
characters are perfect. Each one feels well rounded and human. Our main is
self-serving and greedy, but in a human way. He isn’t a monster, he just looks
out for number one. Most of the second episode is him trying to kill the girl
who cursed him, which is a logical, if not moral, thing to do. I am going to
have a lot of fun with this show. Any show with really great, human characters
is favorable in my book. Watch this show, it is good.
Orenchi no Furo Jijou- This is a micro series about a merman
who lives with this dude in side of his bathtub. They are both handsome and BL shenanigans
sometimes happen. There is never much to say about comedy micro series like
this, it is kind of funny and not bad. It is also just nothing special. It is a
complete average micro series about handsome men living in an apartment together.
I will probably keep up with it.
Yowamushi Pedal GRANDE ROAD- This is one of the few shows
this season that I have been waiting on the edge of the seat for. I love
Yowamushi Pedal, it is a great sports anime about bicycling. It has a great
main character, Onoda, who at first wanted to join the anime club because of
his love of anime and junk, but because of that clubs disbanding before he
could arrive at school, he accidently ends up meeting people related to the
cycling club, and because of his accidental extreme personal cycling training, he
is a natural for the club, and eventually becomes friends with everyone there
and joins the club, even becoming one of the members of the main team. I love this
show. It is a really great sports anime, perfectly using all the tropes and clichés
of the genre, while still giving us something new and fun. I think one of the
things that make this show so good is that, at the end of the day, it doesn’t take
itself too seriously. The show knows everyone in it is ridiculous, from the
dude who talks to his abs to the enemy cyclist with the tongue that could touch
his own eye. Yeah, they are cycling for the good of the team and they want to
win and all that good stuff, but it still takes time to crack a few jokes at
everyone’s expense, which is good for a show like this. This is a top notch
sports anime, if you aren’t already watch it, watch the first season and then start
watching this one.
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de- A straight up harem
comedy anime, something which I realize I watch less and less now-a-days, about
a literacy club. They only male in the show, the harem’s center as it were, has
chuunibyou, and consistently acts like he has super powers and all that junk.
Until one day, while explaining why it is always possible for people to
randomly get super powers, he actually does summon some bright lights, and
everyone in the club gains powers. One girl can control fire, water, wind, and
earth. One can summon anything out of nothing, the power of creation. One can
stop and slow down time. The fourth girl is the healer, being able to return
stuff to its original form. And our hero, the one who is most prepared to have
powers, can summon a black flame that isn’t hot or powerful or really anything good.
But now that they have these powers, they realize that there is nothing to do
with their powers. There is not secret organization or evil threat to the
world. So they must go about their everyday lives with their crazy powers. This
show is a very generic harem comedy. It has all the usual cast of characters,
from the loli to the tsundere to the girl who kicks the main characters ass. And
of course all of them are in love with the main, but only the tsundere will get
him because that is just how harem shows work. The whole draw of this show,
that it is a daily life style show but with super powers, can be a decent
enough to get someone into a show, but I am still not sold on the series yet. But
there are few things that make me want to watch this show. The first is the studio.
This show is done by the same studio that made Kill la Kill, Studio Trigger. Their
sort of mix of cheap and incredibly well done animation is in the show, mixing
cartoony animation and decent anime style animation, is fully on display here. The
second thing bringing me back is a bit of a gut feeling I have for the show. There
was a bit of foreshadowing that there being an actual secret organization or
plot going on behind the scenes, but that isn’t what I am talking about. I can’t
really explain it, but I have a gut feeling that this show is going to become
something. There is something there, maybe later on in the show that will completely
change this show form a generic harem anime to something good. I could be completely
wrong, but I have a little bit of hope for this show. I will keep up with it
for now, and if it is proven wrong then I will probably drop it.
Akatsuki no Yona- This show is almost like a better version
of Cross Ange. In a more eastern fantasy series, (the names indicate a Korean style
world but for all I know it is supposed to be more Chinese) a princess to a
small country surrounded by powerful forces turns 16. There is a large party
and everything is happy. Her father, a peace loving man who hates weapons, has done
everything he could to give his daughter whatever she wanted, but is revealed
that the one thing she really wants he cannot and will not give her, the lover
of her life. She is in love with her cousin, (which is not as weird as it
should be because of royalty and olden times stuff) one of the two people she
spent much of her youth with. The other is a powerful warrior who is the
general to the king’s army. The princess love of her life is a gentle, kind man
who has tried to protect and nurture the princess all of his life. And then,
the gentle, kind man who the princess loves murders the king in the middle of
the night, right in front of the princess. And then tries to kill the princess.
The show is a fantasy action piece, about a princess trying to reclaim her
kingdom from the man who stole it. We see in the opening and the first part of
the show that she gathers a small group of heroes who will fight for and with
her, and she herself knows her way around a bow and arrow. For the most part,
this show is a lot like Cross Ange. Both are about a princess whose life is
turned completely upside down, are thrown from the top of the world to the
bottom, and now must claw their way up to the top again. The difference is how
they present their female leads. Cross Ange uses its female lead to titillate
the male audience, she is there for fan service at the end of the day. Akatsuki
no Yona’s lead character feels like a real character. She is well rounded and
has wants and desires and is never presented as just a sexual toy to be played
with and watched. I really like this show. I can’t wait to see our heroin take
down the man who stole away her life. I can’t wait to see her convince her team
to form around her. I want to see her fight with a bow and arrow and I want to
watch her master it. I am defiantly going to watch this show in its entirety.
Gundam Build Fighters Try- The second season of Build
Fighters is upon us! I am super excited for this show. The first season was a
perfect balance of goofy fun and great action, with just enough Gundam
references to give fans something to seek out, but not so much so that it bogs
down the show for non-fans like myself. The second season seems to be focusing
more on the step-child of the Gundam franchise, G Gundam. Our main character is
a martial artist who can hear the voice of his opponent through their fists, or
at least through there plastic models. His gunpla is also a version of the
Burning Gundam that Domon Kasshu uses in the world tournament. His introduction
to the series was even exactly like how Domon was introduced in his series! The
big thing for this series, as opposed to the previous season of Gundam Build
Fighters, is that the tournament this year is a team battle. We aren’t just following
one pilot or one builder this year, but a small group of people who all specialize
in different things. It will prove to be an interesting set up for the fights.
I can’t wait to watch this show. It is going to be a fun, crazy little show,
and I am super excited for it. Go watch it, and have some good old fashion
Gundam fun.
Hitsugi no Chaika AVENGING BATTLE- This is another show I am
excited to see come back. It is Chaika, the Coffin Princess, a fantasy show
about a girl trying to find the remains of her dead father. The beginning of
the second season starts us off right where we left off. Gillete, the man after
Chaika and her crew is dead, and the woman that loved him is revealed to be
another Chaika, though she didn’t know that either. I am going to go with my
gut right now, and say Gillete isn’t dead. We never saw the body and there was
so much more we could have done with him. He can’t be dead just yet, though I
look forward to be proven wrong by the show. I have already said all I want to
say about this show a few seasons ago. It is an alright show, though nowhere
perfect, and still relies a bit too heavy on anime tropes, but on its own it is
pretty good. I do like the bit of expansion on how the magic guns work in the
show, but it wasn’t deep enough to go past anything more than a comment. If you
liked the first season, watch this, it is basically more of the same but in a
good way.
Shirobako- Shirobako is about the behind the scenes,
production side of how anime is made. And it is fantastic. I have always wanted
a show like this, ever since I saw Animation Runner Kuromi years ago as a kid.
I wanted a show that goes into the details of what makes an anime, from the sketches
to the animation, from the voice acting and music stuff, and then actually having
the show air. And this show has all of this. The show is about a small animation
company having their first show in years, a magical girl idol show with moe
girls. We get to see how the people behind the scenes run around like headless
chickens, trying to get each episode finished, but stumbling around accidents
and mistakes that occur during such an endeavor. The show follows a young woman
who has a passion for the industry, and also her 4 friends who in high school
all made a little anime, and now each works in the industry in different ways.
One of the things that makes this show so good is that it really expresses the
dread but also hope that comes with make a show of this caliber. Any little
trip up can end up completely ruining weeks of work, and when you have to have the
show out weekly that hiccup on production schedule can really fuck you over.
This is a fairly realistic show about what goes into making an anime, and I am
really into it so far. This is going to be a really great show, and I recommend
it to any anime fan who wants to know how your animes are made.
BONJOUR♪Sweet Love Patisserie- Another
micro series, this time about a girl who wants to become a pastry chef, and is admitted
into a very good school for pastry chefs on a scholarship. But the school has
one major rule, do not date the teachers. But the teachers are all hot men! What
is a girl to do? Also there is another hot guy who is actually a student, and
she doesn’t care about romance she just wants to open a pastry shop. This is a
reverse harem anime about Patisseries and it looks harmless. It isn’t necessarily
deep or complex, but I like good reverse harems and I am sure this will turn
out to be a better than average reverse harem. There isn’t much to say, if you
liked singing pretty boys fawning over a girl I am sure you will like baking
pretty boys fawning over a girl.
And that is the 2014 fall anime season. The highlights for
new shows are definitely Rage of Bahamut, Shirobaku, and Gugure! Kokkuri-san,
while the second seasons of Gundam Build fighters and Yowamushi Pedal are both
making me very happy for this season. I do want to say real quick I will be
also watching the new Mushi-shi season, but I didn’t want to hold out until
that show came out to write about it, especially when I would just be writing
all the same things I have written before about the show. Over all this looks
like an incredible season. I can’t wait to see if all my predictions are proven
fruitful, or if I am just completely wrong about everything. So until next
time, have fun watching.
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I had no where else to put this, but...just look at this. |
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