Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer 2012 Anime Season: Frist Impressions

                                               Summer 2012 Anime Season

You realize that I’ve been doing this little dumb blog for about a year now? That snuck up on me, I honestly didn’t realize it, or even that I would continue to do it. I figured I would get bored or busy with life and such. But no! I am still going strong. And in honor of this, lets get right to it. These are my first impressions on the summer 2012 anime season!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Final Thoughts: Spring 2012

                                               Final Thoughts: Spring 2012

Well it is the end of the Spring2012 anime season, and man was there a lot of shows this season. Lets get the ones that are still going on out of way first so we can get to the good parts. Accel World, the virtual fighting game anime with a pudgy main character, is doing alright. It’s nothing really special, but it is decent, and the fighting is pretty good. The main character is completely getting on my nerves though. He is spineless and depressing and has so little confidence that I find it hard for him to be a main character. But the first season ended with a pretty good bang and a promise for some interesting conflict next season. Knight in the Area is getting really boring. I liked it at first, but it is starting to get a bit to unrealistic for me. I mean, if they were throwing out super moves right form the beginning, I feel it would be better somehow. But now they main character is calling up the spirit of his dead brother to play, and it just feels oddly forced. That and half the characters are starting to get really creepy about the dead brother. But I will stick to it for a while yet. I think the real problem is that I watched Giant Killing, a truly good soccer anime. Hunter X Hunter is sticking to the manga, and this is working well for it. And they are finally starting to get to the Yorknew arc, the arc that I consider the arc where the story really started. I look forward to watching more. Phi Brian: Kami no Puzzle 2 is an odd beast. I love the concept of Phi Brain, and the characters are fun. But when it gets serious or way too into the plot, it becomes uninteresting. I feel I said this before but I think this show would be better with a more shonen anime structure with the plot becoming something more of an over arching story and less of an episode to episode thing. I still like it, but I am starting to see more problems with it. Poyopoyo, on the other hand, has been consistently one of the best shows I’ve been watching. Every episode is funny, the characters are interesting, and it just keeps being good. It is a fun little 3 minutes that I look forward to every week. Polar Bear’s CafĂ© has also been a consistently funny show. It is just a pun filled, strange, yet relaxing show that I find hard to get tired of. It is the one show that I watch to just relax. My only complaint is that they keep changing he ending theme. In one season they changed it three times. But that is seriously a minor complaint. Sket Dance seems to becoming a bit more serious. It is still silly and like Gintama in every way except vulgarity, but it seems to be leaning more into a romantic side that high school anime seem to go. It is still far from a harem anime, and the they way they are doing it seems natural, so I have no real complaints. My hope is that the show stays true to its odd jobs/ helping people origin, but still go ahead with the romantic subplots they are setting up. Toriko is over the top, really dumb at times, and I still love it. There is not much to say about the show. They are still hunting food, the powers are still incredibly ridiculous, and the characters are getting stranger and stranger. But it is still just as good as when it began. But man is it a stupid show. Unlike Space Brothers, which is one of more interesting shows this season. I said before the I really identify with the character, and fell like this still stands. But outside of that, the journey of a man trying to become an astronaut has been of the most intriguing plots this season. I like that we are still learning about characters who might be selected to go into space. I like that we are moving forward with the process, and that everything about the process just seem real. Yes it’s a bit into the future, but the process the main character is going through just seems like what real astronaut would have to go through. It is that realism, with the perspective of the main character, that makes this show so good. And that’s what I am currently watching. Lets go on to the stuff that just finished. These are my final thoughts of the shows that ended this season.