Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Amagami SS

                                                      Amagami SS Review

   Harem anime are something of a bit of an oddball for me. On principle, I shouldn’t like them, and usually don’t. They are fan service ridden pieces of banality that usually have a main character that annoys me. They treat women like objects and usually send the message that all a woman wants and needs is a boyfriend. Now when I say harem anime, I mean shows that are built fully around the romantic story line of a bunch of girls chasing a main character. A show like Accel World or Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, which definitely has elements of a harem, is not included because the harem is not the purpose of the show. But there are quite a few harem shows I really like. The World God Only Knows is an excellent show that completely rewrites the details of a harem show, and I Don’t Have Many Friends is one of the funniest shows I’ve seen in a while. So when a harem show can transcend the boundaries of its cursed origins, then it can be good. Which segways perfectly to this little review. A show that is six romances in one, a show that goes far beyond that of any harem anime before it, a show that captures the heart and mind of its viewer. But I might be getting a bit ahead of myself. This is Amagami SS.