Thursday, March 7, 2013

Anime Dubs

A Little Dub Talk
Did you know they made a Toriko dub? They made a Toriko dub, and it is pretty awesome. Also there is a Card Fight Vanguard dub. That too is pretty awesome. Here are some of my thoughts on these dubs, and dubs in general. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

One Outs

One Outs Review
It’s odd but I have been watching a lot more sports anime recently. I think it is the fault of some of my friends who introduced me to some legitimately good sports anime, like Major, and the fact that good sport’s anime have been coming out as a late from Japan, like Kuroko’s Basketball. This has led me to find even more just plain good sports anime, like today’s fair. A story of victory, manipulation and gambling. A show about baseball like you have never seen it before. A show with a lot illegal activities going on. But I might be getting a bit ahead of myself. This is One Outs.